Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Modified" Bed Rest

Yesterday when Josh and I went to the doctor for our 32 week appointment. I have mentioned previously that I have been having some mild, infrequent contractions. At this appointment they checked Addison and she looks great! We even got to see her eye-balls move (creepy). Anyway, while she looks good there is also a moderate risk that she will come early. She is sitting really low and they are worried that the cervix is already beginning to soften.

So....I'm on what Dr. Nelson called 'modified bed rest". Josh and I had some confusion about what this actually meant so I called the doctor back this morning. I am still able to work full time for now but may have to cut back. Basically once I go home from work I am supposed to lay around, take it easy etc. I asked if I can do some easy physical activity and the doctor said it was ok as long as it's not too strenuous. That made me feel a lot better - I wasn't necessarily worried about my health or Addison's health (although I want her to cook as long as possible), I was mostly worried about my mood if I was not able to be physical. That is something I know about myself - I get grumpy if I just lay around.

Long story short - Addison is doing great, we just want her to stay in there a little longer. Another thing the doctor said today is that if I make it to 36 weeks then I can go off of the modified bed rest because at that point it won't matter much. I have to go back weekly for appointments from now on so I will keep everyone updated!


JENNY said...

I think that's what I was on, although my doctor never really called it that. I had to cut back on my work hours and rest a lot. Plus, he made me stop exercising all together which was so hard for me. He took away all the restrictions at 36 weeks, as well. I will be praying for you and Addison! I really can't believe you only have 8 more weeks. Yay!

erin f. said...

My sister in law had to do that with her last baby, and it really helped keep her from going too early - she ended up carrying all the way to term with no problem. I think I might be on the opposite program right now...I am doing as much physical activity as possible to get this girl here! As of yesterday I had made ZERO progress as far as delivery goes!

Ashley said...

Take it easy girl! How this helps slow things down a little!
AND...I got a very fun & cute package in the mail-you are TOOOO SWEET! I love them! :)