Sunday, August 2, 2009

Baby Explosion

There is about to be a baby explosion! I have lots of friends who are (or recently were) pregnant.

First, a few weeks ago my long time friend Kristen had her second son Bryce. He was about a month early but is perfectly healthy. Kris and I grew up together in Austin when her family moved there after returning from Africa. We got married almost exactly 2 years apart and moved to Denver within a few months of each other. This is Kris and Bryce before they left the hospital (I got the picture off of her facebook).

Then, my friend Jenny had her little boy last week. Jenny and I were in club together at ACU and she worked Leadership Camps with me one summer. Jenny and her husband Chris welcomed Jude on 7/28/09. (Jenny, I got the picture from your blog).

Seeing Jenny and Kristen's pictures and hearing about their family's joy welcoming their new children makes me so ready for Addison to be here. Now for friends that will have babies soon...Next is Erin and her husband todd. We were in Siggies together at ACU. They are going to have a little girl named Ellie.

Ashley Snow, who was one of my good friends at ACU and bridesmaids, is due about 2 weeks after Erin and is having a little girl named Emma.

After than it is finally time for Addison to be born. I'm due about 2 weeks after Ashley. I'm not only blessed that I have been going through this experience with other christian women that I love, I'm also excited that our kids will grow up together and maybe even be friends as they get older. We aren't even all in the same place but it is so fun to be able to keep up with each other thru blogs etc and share this time.

I also have two friends who are due not long after Josh and I are. Kasey, one of my very best friends, another bridesmaid at my wedding, is actually due on my birthday, November 23. Sara is another friend who is due between Kasey and I (not sure exactly when).

Keep, all of the new moms and moms-to-be in your prayers.


JENNY said...

You are right- there is a baby explosion! It's so much fun. I can't wait until Miss Addison gets here!!

erin f. said...

It does seem like we are all due around the same time! prayers for you and addison also!

Melanie L said...

AND they can all go to ACU together! Yeah!

Sara said...

It really is crazy, but SO exciting & such a blessing! By the way, I'm due a month after you on October 29th! Can't wait for him to get here!