Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Last night I was luck enough to be able to go spend the evening with my sweet friend Melanie and her husband Matt (see above pic). Mel and Matt are living in Colorado Springs but only for a few more weeks. Matt is in the Air Force and will be stationed in Cheyenne, Wyoming starting in August.
They sold their house and are currently renting a cute tiny yellow and pink cottage that is sandwiched in between two bigger houses close to downtown CO Springs. I am so sad that they are moving but I guess it really isn't that much farther than Denver to the Springs. Usually Mel and I meet for dinner half way between us. I hope we can still do that even though we will both be driving farther.

Mel has been such a blessing since Josh and I have been in Colorado. When I spoke at a Women's retreat a year or so ago I asked her to come and introduce me. She was with Josh and I when I was in the hospital a few months ago and even cleaned our apartment for us. We have been friends since being at ACU together, working Leadership Camps etc.

I love the way God works through friends!!

(Mellie - I borrowed the above picture from your blog! Thanks.)

*Chez Dishman, Melanie Sutton, me, Melanie Larson at ACU


Chez said...

Hey Shi, I've been reading your blog for a while and just wanted to say hi. I love reading your sweet thoughts - it always makes me miss you!! Also, how the heck is Mel Mc/Sutton so friggin tan in that picture?!!

Melanie L said...

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I thought about you this entire week at Kadesh. And, remember that gift I have for you? It's basically ready. :)

I love how we all have different last names now (although I'm pretty sure you are married in that pic!).