Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28th

Today would have been my friend Nathan's 28th birthday. Last year his sister Amy started a "Yo Momma" joke contest in his honor. This year she added a t-shirt to that contest. The link to her blog is Check it out if you get a chance.

I've shared Nathan stories before but this is another of my favorites:

Each year our huddle at Westover had a retreat at the beginning of each summer. We usually went to someone's lake house. This particular year the boys slept outside on the roof of the boat dock and the girls slept inside in nice comfy beds. In the middle of the night Nathan apparently had a dream and began sleep walking. He was standing up yelling "Get out of the truck, get out of the truck". This would have been funnier if he wasn't 10 feet about the lake with nothing between him and the edge of the dock. All of Nathan's yelling woke up two of our other friends (I think it was Cal and Hayden) who after realizing what was going on, tackled Nathan right before he stepped off the edge. He woke up totally confused. We absolutely never let him forget that night.

I've been thinking about Nate lately since two of my other friends from that huddle, Cal and Eric are getting married soon. I'm sure Nate would have been a part of both of these weddings - especially Cal since they were practically inseparable. One of the things that Nathan's family says a lot is that they are anxiously awaiting the day when they will all be reunited. This world is not our home and we should be living with eager expectation of the day that Christ returns.

One of the things that Nathan did to quietly serve others was to help send other Westover kids to camp on his small Marine's salary. Westover has a scholarship fund set up that helps to accomplish this very purpose in honor of Nathan. If anyone would like to contribute they can send checks to Westover Hills Church of Christ with Nathan Dodd Scholarship Fund in the memo.

Happy Birthday Nathan!


Cameron said...

Shiloh, I was jolted when I read this. Nathan was in one of my Kadesh groups (many, many years ago). I had no idea he is with the Lord. While we clearly did not stay in touch, I remember nothing but good things about him. I remember him as an upbeat, uplifting friend to all in our group. I'm so sad now. Not because I lost a close friend I talked to often but because someone who was part of my faith formation is not on this earth anymore. I rejoice that he is with his Lord but I cry for the people he touched and those he might have touched. I went back and read the posts in which you mention him. Thank you for sharing more about him. I can honestly say those stories inspire me to be a more loving person and a better comrade of Christ's.

I hope you and that sweet baby stay safe and well. I am joyful for you and your husband!

Conklins said...

Ah, Nathan... we miss u tons but we know you are completely at peace now. May I add another fun anecdote? Good, I thought so. Our high school huddle was at another retreat on the lake (i THINK a diff weekend/year). Nathan had just had surgery to repair his knee and was under strict orders from "Dad" to, um, not do too much. One of our huddle leaders, Brent, was in charge of making sure of this. The guys built a really nice bonfire that night, and as some of us watched from afar, we saw a couple guys hurdling... as in run & jump clear over... the bonfire & Nathan happened to be one of them. I think that was the most angry I had seen Brent up until that point...I think I laughed forever. :D Morbid sense of humor, I know.