Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The power of smell

I have always thought it is interesting how smells can make us recall memories even more than other senses. As I was thinking about that I wanted to try and write down some of the smells that I relate to memories.

Homemade bread and Pecan Pie - My Mamma, my dad's mom, was an excellent cook. We spent almost every Thanksgiving at her house in Brownfield, TX - a tiny west Texas town where my dad grew up. I loved being at her house becuase when I was younger (an she was younger) she made homemade bread every morning. SHe past away a year and a half ago and those smells will always remind me of her.

Prell shampoo - This was I guess one of the shampoo's we used when I was little. I distinctly remember getting it in my eyes. It hurt a lot - I think it hurts way more than any other shampoo.

Bath and Body Works Moonlight Path - I think a lot of you will be able to guess what I am going to say it reminds me of...Melanie Knox. I know her married name is Melanie Larson, but this reminds me of Melanie in college when she was still a Knox. Even if she doesn't use this as religiously as she used to, this scent will always remind me of her.

Evergreen trees - One of my favorite Christmas traditions my family had was that every year we would go to a Christmas tree farm and cut down our own tree. My siblings and I would run all over the property, find trees we like, then try to remember which tree it was to show everyone else. It almost always came down to everyone voing between two trees and all of us wanting to be the one that found "the" tree. Any live tree smells good, but ours always seemed even more fragrant because it was fresh. I love it. I keep trying to tell Josh that this is a tradition we will start.

My perfume - 8 by Abercrombie
- When Josh and I were dating I mentioned that I was needing a new perfume. One weekend I was in Arlington for something (my siblings were there for some reason too). It wasn't a special anniversary or anything but Josh surprised me with a bottle of this perfume. He picked it out on his own because he liked it. Josh would spray it on his blanket or on a little beanie baby moose I got him in Alaska before I left to go back to Abilene (I know, it's cheesy). The bottle is almost gone and I am needing to find another special smell since they don't make this one anymore.

Campfires - There are a lot of things that remind me of my mom, but campfires of one of the big ones. My mom loves to burn a fire in the winter - she can hardly wait until it gets below 60 so she can have a fire. Whenever we were camping when I was a kid, my mom was the one who would always build the fire. I think I get that skill from her.

There are a lot more smells that evoke memories but I have a sore throat and need to go to bed. I would love it if you would share some of your smells that remind you of things.


Melanie L said...

Haha, I still have campers who will write and ask if I am still wearing Moonlight Path. :)

I love the smell of my Little House on the Prairie books. And fresh-cut grass. And Matt, when he's not wearing cologne, but is freshly showered...Dove soap and deodorant. :) He'd probably not like that I just talked about that on your blog. :)