Monday, October 27, 2008

22 yards

This may seem trivial but I wanted to share my recent accomplishment...

Every once in a while Josh and I will walk down to the part by our apartment and play football. We usually play catch for an hour or so and then head home. He has been teaching me how to throw a good line drive and a tight spiral. If I can brag on my self for a little bit, I can throw better than most girls I know. This past Saturday we were playing and Josh decided to see how far I could throw a good pass. We set the mark at 20 yards. I was able to get it there a few times and once even made 22 yards!! I know that's not that great for even a middle school boy, but I felt pretty accomplished that I could throw a decent pass that far. Plus, my arm is sore to prove it. I wish I had taken a picture to post - maybe next time.

During this event, Josh jammed his pinkie finger. He said it was a bad throw, I say that it was a bad catch but either way - Josh, I am sorry that you are hurt and I appreciate you hanging out and playing for the afternoon!


Anonymous said...

great...another blog poking fun at me! I'm glad I can provide you with good blog material so often.

Staci said...

Wow! Good arm! If you moved back to TX you could play football games with the guys every Sunday afternoon.

Sam said...

I think 22 yards is pretty impressive. Remember when we used to play football on Sundays with Jason, Clayton and the Pittmans. Good times. You were good then. You and Erika were the football stars.