Friday, September 25, 2009

Update and Prayer Request

We were supposed to go home today but the doctor's decided to keep Addie a little longer. The first 24 hours she would latch on but had a hard time sucking. I started using a flexible nipple shield and she was able to do much better yesterday. But, she was still losing weight. The nurses told us that they start to get concerned when the babies lose 10% of their birth weight. As of this morning she had lost 11.4% so we started having conversations about supplementing with donor milk or formula. I was pretty stressed out because she had been nursing for long periods of time but apparently wasn't getting much at all. We decided to use donor milk at least until my milk comes in and she's back at birth weight.

So that was one problem. Another was that her jaundice levels were right at where she would need to go under lights. Apparently my blood type combined with her blood type maker her more at risk for jaundice problems. So, since we had two things that were at least somewhat concerning they decided to keep us. I am actually glad that they did since I would rather be here with help then going home knowing all this was going on.

They retested her weight this evening after three times feeding with donor milk, nursing and me pumping each time. It was basically the same as this morning with the 11% lost but at least she didn't lose more. They also retested her jaundice levels. At a score of 14 they put her under lights and she had a 13.9 so its still right at the line.

Prayers for those problems would be great. She really is doing well and is so beautiful - we are just having a hard time getting feeding going and getting the jaundice concerns settled. Hopefully we will go home tomorrow!


erin f. said...

I am praying for you guys, hope she improves soon and you can take your sweet girl home :)

JBumpus said...

Praying for you! We had the same problem with feeding. I would just feed my little ones as offen as I could...I know that this is hard...hang in there.

Kaylee's Mommy said...

Glad that you made it home. Just remember that when it comes to nursin ya'll are all learning (that includes Josh too). Give it some time! If you have any questions you can always call your nursing Guru of a cousin! LOVE ya!