Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I guess I should post something

Josh told me to post something since I haven't in a few days. Really the only new thing is that I made our 20 week ultrasound appointment for May 12th. Hopefully the little one will cooperate so we can find out if it's a boy or girl.

Work have been absolutely awful for the last 2 weeks. It's a long story but the main point is that one of my high maintenance foster parents has blamed me for a situation that is in no way my fault. Now she wants to leave the agency and is refusing to let me do visits (my job and not an option) in the meantime. it's difficult to get yelled at and blamed for things that I have no control over. If it was something I could do something about I would but it's not a good feeling to just be the target when anything goes wrong. I have been praying for a lot of patience, wisdom, and to be able to reflect Christ even in this stinky situation.

My sister is coming to see me in 2 weeks! I am so excited - I haven't seen her since Chritmas. My mom and Larry will be leaving Denver this weekend. It's been good to be able to spend time with them. Mom and I had a girl's night Friday with pedicures and a yummy dinner and then Saturday we went shopping for maternity clothes. I will probably only get to see her one other time during the pregnancy and that will be later in the summer. That is a downside of having family so far away -it's harder to share this whole experience with them. They won't be able to feel the baby kick or help set up the nursery. My brothers most likely won't see me fat and pregnant at all! I guess that's what blogs, facebook and email is for.

Josh is doing better and is able to eat some solid foods now. Another blessing is that I am finally starting to feel better. I've only thrown up 3 times this week - that's a record low so far. I'm still really tired and easily worn out but at least the nausea is lessening. I'm excited for it to go away even more so I have energy to actually clean and keep unpacking boxes before people come to stay with us!


Sam said...

Sorry about the work situation, I hope that all works out okay, or at least quickly. Some people just like to make a fuss, just to irritate others, I think. Glad that Josh and you are feeling better!