Friday, April 17, 2009

Doctor Appointment

We got to see the baby! We could see the head, spine, arms, legs etc. Unfortunately we couldn't tell if it's a boy or girl so I guess we will have to wait for the big ultrasound in a month. Boo.

The doctor said that everything else looks great and not to worry.

We are having another huge snowstorm so Josh and I are stuck inside today and probably tomorrow too. My mom and Larry have been here about a week and are staying in an RV park about 20 minutes away. It's been fun to be able to have dinner with them a few nights a week. They will be here for probably another two weeks until they get some stuff taken care of before heading up towards Alaska for the summer.

Josh has surgery for his wisdom teeth Monday. It's apparently a pretty intense surgery because of some complications Josh could have because of his age the size of the teeth's roots. Sunday we are going to the grocery store to get lots of jello and other soft things Josh will be able to eat. I think we will even be able to get some Blue Bell ice cream at the one place in town that sells it.

Josh worked a lot on the basement this afternoon. We're going to make one corner be a little craft area for me, and then hopefully make the other half of the basement be a sort of guest bedroom for when people come see us (or probably more likely, come see the baby). I'm just glad our house is starting to look more like a house, instead of a warehouse for boxes!

I've really enjoyed getting to hang out with Josh a lot lately. I guess that's a good part of all this snow we've been getting.

I'm starting to ramble now, so I guess that's it. Have a great weekend, and keep Josh's surgery in your prayers, please.


JENNY said...

Yay for a good checkup!! Too bad you weren't able to find out the sex.