Josh told me to post something since I haven't in a few days. Really the only new thing is that I made our 20 week ultrasound appointment for May 12th. Hopefully the little one will cooperate so we can find out if it's a boy or girl.
Work have been absolutely awful for the last 2 weeks. It's a long story but the main point is that one of my high maintenance foster parents has blamed me for a situation that is in no way my fault. Now she wants to leave the agency and is refusing to let me do visits (my job and not an option) in the meantime. it's difficult to get yelled at and blamed for things that I have no control over. If it was something I could do something about I would but it's not a good feeling to just be the target when anything goes wrong. I have been praying for a lot of patience, wisdom, and to be able to reflect Christ even in this stinky situation.
My sister is coming to see me in 2 weeks! I am so excited - I haven't seen her since Chritmas. My mom and Larry will be leaving Denver this weekend. It's been good to be able to spend time with them. Mom and I had a girl's night Friday with pedicures and a yummy dinner and then Saturday we went shopping for maternity clothes. I will probably only get to see her one other time during the pregnancy and that will be later in the summer. That is a downside of having family so far away -it's harder to share this whole experience with them. They won't be able to feel the baby kick or help set up the nursery. My brothers most likely won't see me fat and pregnant at all! I guess that's what blogs, facebook and email is for.
Josh is doing better and is able to eat some solid foods now. Another blessing is that I am finally starting to feel better. I've only thrown up 3 times this week - that's a record low so far. I'm still really tired and easily worn out but at least the nausea is lessening. I'm excited for it to go away even more so I have energy to actually clean and keep unpacking boxes before people come to stay with us!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I guess I should post something
Friday, April 24, 2009
Random Stuff
* Josh was doing well earlier in the week but the past few days have been pretty rough. He was supposed to go to Men's Retreat this weekend but isn't going to go.
* The last couple of days have been in the upper 70s here and it is wonderful. It makes me so anxious for summer. Even being super pregnant I can't wait to go for walks, hang out at the pool etc.
* I read a Sports Illustrated article yesterday about Dwight Howard. I think he is awesome. He is 23 and an unbelievable player but he still laughs, jokes around, and doesn't get caught up in the trash talk and drama of the NBA. Very cool. Shaq is jealous.
* I am really looking forward to eating lots of Cajun Cones in Abilene while at Kadesh this summer.
* Speaking of Kadesh, I have been excited about it all year as this is the first time I will be able to go in awhile and it was supposed to be my favorite curriculum - Hope. Apparently they have changed theme's to a new one and I'm not very happy about that.
* I have read 3 books in the last 2 weeks. I was about to start another one but I think I need a little bit of a break.
Labels: I love sports
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Josh's surgery
Josh had all four of his wisdom teeth taken out yesterday. We had to be at the hospital by 8:30 yesterday morning to get signed in and get him prepped. He had taken a Valium the night before and that morning so that was helpful as well as funny that he was so relaxed. The surgery took about 2 1/2 hours and went well overall. They had a few complications one being that they had to cut into the jaw bone to get one of the bottom teeth removed safely.
On the way home Josh needed to get a milkshake or something to eat so he could take his medicine. Strawberry milkshakes are his favorite but we ended up having to go to three different places to finally find one that the machine was working and they had strawberry.
He is actually recovering better than the surgeon said he would - at least as of now. I know that it may get rougher later in the week. But so far things are going well- lots of ice packs, drugs, and milkshakes. Thanks for your prayers and we will keep you posted.
Labels: Josh
Friday, April 17, 2009
Doctor Appointment
We got to see the baby! We could see the head, spine, arms, legs etc. Unfortunately we couldn't tell if it's a boy or girl so I guess we will have to wait for the big ultrasound in a month. Boo.
The doctor said that everything else looks great and not to worry.
We are having another huge snowstorm so Josh and I are stuck inside today and probably tomorrow too. My mom and Larry have been here about a week and are staying in an RV park about 20 minutes away. It's been fun to be able to have dinner with them a few nights a week. They will be here for probably another two weeks until they get some stuff taken care of before heading up towards Alaska for the summer.
Josh has surgery for his wisdom teeth Monday. It's apparently a pretty intense surgery because of some complications Josh could have because of his age the size of the teeth's roots. Sunday we are going to the grocery store to get lots of jello and other soft things Josh will be able to eat. I think we will even be able to get some Blue Bell ice cream at the one place in town that sells it.
Josh worked a lot on the basement this afternoon. We're going to make one corner be a little craft area for me, and then hopefully make the other half of the basement be a sort of guest bedroom for when people come see us (or probably more likely, come see the baby). I'm just glad our house is starting to look more like a house, instead of a warehouse for boxes!
I've really enjoyed getting to hang out with Josh a lot lately. I guess that's a good part of all this snow we've been getting.
I'm starting to ramble now, so I guess that's it. Have a great weekend, and keep Josh's surgery in your prayers, please.
Labels: Pregnancy
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My day so far....
My day started off with me being sick like usual. I finally dragged myself out of bed and got ready to leave for a bunch of meetings this morning. I probably shouldn't say this but I didn't even have the energy to take a shower.
On my way to my first meeting I ran over a gas can that was at least 1/2 full of gas. The plastic gas can got stuck under my car and I was terrified that the car was going to blow up. I didn't even realize exactly how scary it was until later. So, I pulled over at the first spot I could which turned out to be some kind of rich neighborhoods' guard gate. The guard didn't want me to stop there but I told him that I wasn't leaving until I got the can out from under the car. He eventually gave me a broom to push the can out with. Meanwhile I am sick from the smell of gasoline that has leaked under my car. I finally got the can out, drove to a gas station and threw it away before getting back on my way to work.
Then, I had two ridiculous meetings. I will spare you all the details but let's just say in the past 12 hours at work I have had enough drama to last a few weeks.
In other news, Josh went to a consultation appointment for his wisdom teeth yesterday. He will have surgery to get his wisdom teeth out next Monday. There is a possibility of nerve damage and an increased risk of dry sockets because of the way his teeth are in his mouth. Just great. He's nervous about it - so am I. But it's better that it gets taken care of now rather than later when his summer gets crazy.
We go to the doctor on Friday and will keep you updated on our little peep.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
This picture is about 4 years old but it's all I could find on Josh's facebook page.
Wes Encalade is one of Josh's best friends and a guy he looks up to. I love it when they get together because the two of them are simply hilarious around each other. As far as I know they only time they have ever been mad at each other was when Josh pushed Wes into a spider web in high school - that is a funny story.
On Tuesday Wes completed his final chemo treatment. He has been going through chemo for the past few months after having a testicular tumor removed in December. In January or February some tests showed that there was evidence the cancer had begun to spread. The chemo has been rough but thankfully tests show no increased markers or signs of cancer.
I cannot imagine all that Wes, Naomi and their families have gone through the last few months. But, I am absolutely certain that God was involved and working every minute of this trial. The church family in Dension has been supportive, encouraging and helpful through out this whole process and I know Wes and Naomi and grateful for that. I am hoping that Josh will get to go spend a few days with Wes in May - it was hard on him not being close enough to really help out during all of this.
For all of you that have been praying for Wes during this time - thank you. I know lots of people will be continuing to pray that there are no problems in the future. Right now my prayers of praising God for His faithfulness in all of this.
Labels: Friends
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Puke Story #2
Do not keep reading if you have a weak stomach!
The first Tuesday of every month I have a standing dinner date with my friend Alli. Last night we went to California Pizza Kitchen. We had been eating (I ate very little) and talking for about an hour and a half when I suddenly felt the immediate need to go to run to the bathroom. I excused myself quickly. I ended up barely making it to the toilet and actually made quite a mess. I will spare you details. So, once the heaving stopped I washed my face, rinsed my mouth and then had to go find a manager to apologize for throwing up all over the bathroom. I've never had to do that before.
Later I called my friend JB to tell her my story. I love having friends that I can share gross stories with. I did realize that a good thing about this is that now I am able to laugh at this where as a few weeks ago I would have been depressed for a week at the incident.
Labels: Pregnancy
Saturday, April 4, 2009
My song
While I was in the shower last night I made up this song:
(to the tune of the ToysRUs song)
I don't want to throw up
cause I already did.
I've thrown up a million times
and I can't take it.
I don't want to throw up
but I guess if I did
it just means we're gonna have a great kid.
In other news-
Josh talked to the baby this morning and told it that it was going to be grounded if he/she keeps making me sick.
The nurses called to check on me earlier this week and when I told them I was still sick they asked me to come in. I went in and they did some tests and then made me really mad by saying I was over-reacting and didn't need to come in. I did not want to be mean so I waited until I left to yell and tell Josh that they are the ones who made the stupid appointment for me. At this point I am so frustrated that I am not talking to them any more unless I'm dying.
That's about all that's going on here. We have a Comedy Night at church this Sunday. This is the 3rd year that Josh has planned this activity for the whole church. The first year Bob Smiley came. Last year and this year it is 3-2-1 Improv. It started as an outreach even for people to bring friends to and then they could invite them back for Easter. This may end up being the last year Josh plans it - too much work for him to do on his own. We'll see how it goes, I guess.
Labels: Pregnancy