Monday, September 29, 2008


Today as I was driving to work I was drinking a very yummy non-fat Starbucks Mocha and mourning the fact that my gift card is almost empty. When I pulled up to a corner there was a man there with a cardboard sign that said "Can't keep a job, Just trying to get by, God Bless". I try to always keep a box of granola bars or ramen noodles in my car to hand out as needed. I rolled down my window and offered this man a granola bar. Since the light was still red I asked him what his name was and if there was anything I could pray for. He replied that his name was Charles and he had a lot to pray for. He told me that he used to go to church but when he landed on the streets he didn't feel welcome anymore. He said that he really needed prayers to keep a job, be safe and for his family (wherever they were) to be safe. As the light turned green and people behind me honked I told Charles that I would be praying for him.

As Christians, I think that even in our desire to help people around us we can become cold and judgmental. If we see someone on the street we don't want to give them money because "they will just use it to get drunk or buy drugs". While that may likely be true, who are we to say that they are not worthy of our help. Money is not our only resource to help people. We can give them food, a bottle of water, a spare blanket etc.

My mom likes to tell the story of when I was little and I would see people on the street corner - I would go home, make a sack lunch and insist that my mom take me back to where ever it was so I could drop it off. I am by no means saying that I have this service thing down or that I do it perfectly, but it is something I feel strongly about.

In my attempt to memorize James I have been working on the section in chapter two that talks about faith without works is useless. James 14-17 says this "What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. "

I hope that I can truly live that out and continue to learn how to not just have faith in God, but have my actions reflect Him as well. Keep praying for my friend Charles!


JENNY said...

Great post and story. I feel the same way you do. Thanks for sharing!

Alisa N. said...

what a good word! The granola bars are such a good idea!