Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Coping Skills

The past few weeks have been unusually stressful. It hasn't been one giant thing but more like several smaller things that are all making me crazy. Last night I was thinking that what I tell my clients to do during weeks like this is to make a list of coping skills and things that calm them down. So I decided to take my own advice.

My List of Things that Help When I Feel Crazy
1. a nap - being tired makes everything worse
2. some kind of small treat - Starbucks, a interestingly flavored soda from Whole Foods, lotion, yummy fruit etc
3. a good, long, hard workout - when I am stressed I can't wait to get to the gym
4. reading a good book
5. time alone to just sit
6. a massage - duh!!!
7. talking to people who can always make me laugh
8. making a few cards
9. yoga
10. writting in my journal

I will definitely be using a few of those strategies today.


Leah J. said...

Great strategies! I love your idea of making a list of them. I need to do that! One to add (that works for me) ... a long bubble bath while I read a fun magazine. That works every time!

Sam said...

Sound like good strategies to me. I always found yoga especially to be very calming. Sometimes I also treat myself to a little facial or even just a makeover at one of the makeup counters. I find that things that make me feel pretty help me relax. Probably kind of vain and shallow but who cares.