Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Baby Registry

My friend Cassie started having people post about baby registry items that are essential so I thought I would join in.

Several people have already mentioned some of my favorites but I'll go ahead and say them again:

Boppy Pillow

I love this thing. It's so much more comfortable when nursing Addie. It's great to prop her up on her back or on her tummy. Josh likes it too because when he was holding Addie and sleeping in a recliner at night it helped his arm and shoulder not cramp up.

Johnson & Johnson Bedtime Bath and Lotion

I LOVE the way this stuff smells. It's also gentle and soft on Addie's skin.

Velcro swaddle blankets -
Didn't get a picture because there really isn't one kind that I like better so far. They are great though because the little girl can't wiggle her way out of it as easily.

Swing and Bouncer -

I've used the swing since Addison was born and it's great to help her go to sleep. I also got this one that is marketed as a "take along" swing. We took it to Texas for Christmas and it was great. I recently got a bouncer off of Craigslist and it was the best $30 I have ever spent! Addison loves that the lights and sounds come up when she jumps. So she jumps, laughs, waits for the music to stop and then starts all over. This is a life saver when I need to cook dinner, do dishes etc.

Other people have also added things that they don't recommend registering for. I agree that I don't think I need a wipes warmer. I also didn't register for a shopping cart cover. I may cave and go buy one later but it seemed like an extra expense and I'm not that much of a germ freak - I just wipe the cart down. Don't register for clothes or even blankets unless there are a few that you really want to go with the bedding etc. I also agree that while it's hard, go for gender neutral colors for big purchases - stroller, swing, car seat, high chair, rocking chair etc. I guess you could always buy new stuff but I know that I won't have enough money to do that...

On a side note - my mom and I made my sling instead of buying on. I could make it bigger so it fits better. I also got to chose whatever fabrics I wanted. I love it! If anyone is interested in having me make one just send me an email or comment...
Here's a picture of it - not that great though. It's is brown polka dots on one side and red and cream pattern on the other. There is padding for Addies legs when she can sit up more.


JENNY said...

Great post; I agree with all of it. Your sling is so cute. And, your family photo is even cuter! :)

erin f. said...

So smart to make a sling, it's so pretty!

Cassie said...

LOVE the sling! SO SO cute!

We also use Johnson's nighttime around here. LOVE it. It smells perfectly clean and baby like. Mmmm.

And I didn't register for a cart cover either, but ended up buying one when Caleb was barely sitting so it was padded as he rode in the front. But I bet you could make a SUPER cute one like your sling...please post a tutorial if you do:)

Sophie said...

I LOVE that swing! Where is it from? I've been looking for a good swing to put on my registry but I haven't found one I like yet. I'm using so if you know any store that carries it I can add it. So cute!