Friday, October 30, 2009

Snow Storm and IHOP Adventure

Tuesday night it started snowing and didn't stop for about 48 hours. We ended up with almost 2 feet of snow! This is apparently the biggest October snow storm in about ten years. Josh had to go to work just for an hour or so on Wednesday. We were supposed to have the fall festival that night at church but he decided to reschedule for Saturday. Once he got home we were in the house, ready to bundle up and wait out the storm. Addie and I made peanut butter cookies for her dad and I made muffins. I love baking, especially when it's cold out. We had homemade french dip sandwiches for dinner and enjoyed the time hanging out together.

Yesterday we decided to venture out to run a few short errands. Addie was bundled up warm so we decided to take a picture of her in the snow - she slept through the whole thing.

Now on to todays adventure. I have written before about how Josh and I have weekly breakfast dates. We are trying to keep this tradition up even with the new addition to the family. So, this morning after we were up and Addie ate breakfast we got ready to go. I figured that we had about 2 hours to eat and get home before she would need to eat again. I was wrong. This happened to be a morning when she decided she was going to be hungry every 2 hours instead of the usual three. And, since I am such a prepared mother, I forgot the extra bottle at home. So, we are at IHOP and I have just ordered pumpkin pancakes that I am super excited about eating and Ms. Addison wakes us and decides to cry. After about 15 minutes of off and on crying I decided I have to try to nurse her. This is really the first time that I have had to do this in a public place other than in my car on the way home from Wyoming.

Luckily I have a blanket and we are sitting in a corner booth. The hardest part of this for me is not being able to see her. That can lead to problems that frustrate us both including making a huge mess. It was relatively successful but I stressed out more than I would like to admit. I guess this is good practice since in two weeks I will be traveling with her by mself to fly to Oregon to see my mom. I'm not super modest and don't have a problem nursing in public as long as I am somewhat covered but I still don't have the coordination down.

Ok, well, Addie is awake and hungry again so I will just leave you with a few pictures.


Trent and Mindy said...

Hey, I don't know if you have time to get this before your trip...but I got this nursing cover as a gift and I love, love, love it for nursing in public. It hangs around your neck, has beautiful designs and has plenty of material to keep you modest. Have a fun trip!

Staci said...

I was gonna say the same need a nursing shaw! They also have plain black ones at BRU. When you use a shaw then you don't have to fight with keeping the blanket over you and you can easily peak down the front to see Addison without showing anything to the world.

Lacy said...

She is adorable Shiloh.....I totally enjoy your pictures and am SO jealous of all the snow!!!

Unknown said...

The snow storm looks like blast! Man, I miss the snow -- great photos!

Hey, I used to go with my family to IHOP, too. We may want to keep in mind that IHOP was just exposed for animal cruelty and food safety issues:

Stay warm up there!

BrandyMcD said...

The nursing in public will get much easier! Early on it is easy to get coordinated even at home in private. But you'll become a pro and eventually it becomes more convenient than even messing with a bottle. Good luck and enjoy the snow!

Allison said...

Shiloh, you HAVE to get a hooter hider! They are the best things out there for nursing moms. Some times we have to do it in public and this way you can SEE your baby and still be covered. It is the best investment and will take away all of your frustration.

I cannot even imagine that kind of snow. I wore flip flops and shorts makes me freezing cold to imagine that SNOW in OCTOBER!! WOW!!

Josh said...

Just to ease all of your minds...Shiloh has a nursing cover thing (and everything else you have called it), we just forgot it when we went to the resturaunt that morning. First time we would have needed it...and hopefully the last time we'll have forgotten it.

Unknown said...

How were the pumpking pancakes? I had the ones at Village Inn and they were AWESOME!