Monday, October 5, 2009

I Love...

In the 12 days that I have had Addison there are so many things that I have already come to love.

- her sweet smell. I could smell her all day long.
- her beautiful dark hair. She has so much of it and I am excited to see if it will curl like mine or not.
- the way her hands are always up on her face. She will cover her whole face with her hands. Josh frequently has to move them so she will eat.
- the silly faces she makes, there are a ton.
- the way her tiny, soft hands will lay on my chest while I nurse her.
- the way Josh is so in love with her already.
- her beautiful eyes. I'm excited to see what color they will end up.
- the quiet little sighs that she makes while she sleeps.
- the way she likes to tuck her feet into my armpit while I nurse her.
- her cute little nose that my mom says looks just like mine.

I really love everything about her and I know that there are so many more things that I will discover that I love.

More pictures soon!


JBumpus said...

I love all that you have said...I remember feeling that way for the first time. Now it's just all new stuff. Every stage is wonderful! You love them more and more everyday.

JBumpus said...

So every happy for you!!

Kaylee's Mommy said...

Loved reading this post, made my eyes misty!