Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"I'm Concussed"

I should probably fill everyone in on our weekend. I debate if I would post this or not. I know that it's good to keep friends and family informed in your life so they can pray with and for you, support, help etc. But at the same time, it's also a little embarrassing or makes me self conscious so I hesitate to tell people when challenges are going on. Well, anyway....Friday night while Josh was at the grocery store I was home with Addie after day of running errands, playing in fountains etc. I was getting her ready for bed and was carrying her down the stairs to answer Josh's phone call when I tripped and fell. I don't really remember much of what happened other than feeling like I was about to fall backwards and then like I couldn't breath ( I hit my back). I knocked myself out and either slid or rolled down the stairs. I woke up at the bottom after what I guess was a few minutes and saw that Addison was ok - she was laying on my arm and then I guess I was out again.

Josh came home a few minutes later and we were lying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. He later told me that I was lying on my back with my legs still partly up on the stairs. Addie was apparently lying on my arm asleep. I'm sure she probably cried when we were falling or when I was out but afterward she just snuggled up to me and went to sleep. At first Josh thought she was hurt too but when he picked her up she started laughing and playing. He put her in her high chair after checking to make sure she wasn't hurt and then  woke me up. I was pretty freaked out when he woke me up and Addie was gone but he assured me she was fine. My back hurt really badly so I didn't want to move but after a few minutes I was able to sit up. Josh called Connie (the friend that watches Addison during the day) and she came over to put her to bed while Josh took me to the ER.

They did a CT scan and X-rays. Everything looked fine and they sent me home. I go to my regular doctor for a follow up this afternoon. So, I just have a concussion with loss of consciousness and a pretty sore and bruised body.

God was so in control because however I held Addison, my instincts kicked in and she is 100% ok. She was snuggled up to me asleep and then didn't cry at all and was watching Josh like a hawk to make sure that he was taking care of me.I could have been hurt a lot worse and this could have ended very differently. I'm not even sure what made me fall. I wasn't rushing and there wasn't anything on the stairs. Saturday and Sunday were pretty rough and I felt really bad. Yesterday I pushed myself to do more stuff knowing I had to go back to work and my normal routine today. I'm sore and still have a bad headache today but so far so good. I have been thanking God over and over again for watching out for us, for letting Josh come home quickly to find us, and for helping me to protect Addison. I have only walked on the stairs a few times with her since then and Josh has been behind us. I'm pretty nervous now but I know that we will be ok.

So, that's really about it. There are so fun pictures of things that have been going on but as usual, those will come later. Please pray that my body continues to heal with no complications and that my nerves calm down as well. Most of all, praise the Lord for his protection and mercy.


BrandyMcD said...

I am so, so grateful that you and Addie are okay. How scary!

Ashley said...

How scary! I am beyond thankful that you are both ok. God was watching over you both! I pray that you can get some rest & feel 100% soon. Love you girl!

amy said...

oh my goodness. so glad you are okay and addie too!! i keep telling richey we need to move into a one story house... stairs are so scary!

Chez said...

Oh Shiloh, that is one heck of a story! It's so amazing that Addie didn't get hurt at all!! I'm so glad Josh found you quickly and it seems like there's not any long-term damage. Love you and hope you feel much better very soon!!

erin f. said...

Oh my goodness, that is amazing that Addison was unhurt. Thank God! Hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Shiloh. I just ran across your blog from my sister's blog. What a story. Praise the Lord that you all are alright. crazy! hope you get to feeling better soon.
jenny rich