Sunday, November 21, 2010

New Job

I really wanted to start blogging regularly again, but then I got this new job and life has been crazy!

Basically the job is exactly the same job that I was doing, just at a different agency. I am about to start my third week and am beginning to feel more comfortable. The first week was pretty rough because the schedule seemed to be a lot more demanding in the evenings than I was prepared for. Then, the second week kind of stunk because I started it out by having Strep and an Ear Infection and ended in with several families having minor and not so minor crisis. I am only working two days this week before taking off Wednesday to go to Texas for Thanksgiving so hopefully it will get better, not worse.

I have missed seeing Addie during the days but it is fun that she gets so excited to see me when I finally get home each night. I am definitely ready to get to know the families that I am working with and have the schedule settle down some so I can have a more normal routine at home too.

In other news: Addison is now saying "bye bye" and "night night". She can moo like a cow and says "ahh ahh" when you ask her what her monkey says. She points to eyes, and noses and mouths and if you ask where her tongue is she sticks it in and out like a lizard! Her hair is long enough for a little pony tail so we bought the little tiny clear rubber bands yesterday and I am excited to use them. She also likes to brush her hair. One of my favorite things that she is doing now is that she will come up and give me hugs, pats or "kisses". She also loves to say hi to everyone! She is just such a sweet little girl.

Enough of my gushing for now...I need to get some sleep so I can get up with her in the morning. My mom just mailed me to cds with like 1500 pictures so the next post will have pictures - I promise.

Is anyone even still reading this????


amy said...

I am! Congrats on your new job! Praying it gets better and better each week.

Karli said...

I'm reading!

Anonymous said...

I read it every chance I get even tho I talk to you almost daily bc I love reading about you. Your favorite Mom